Thursday, September 26, 2013

Long time since last update so let me fill you in. I destroyed Sketch Bros. Blog. and wandered alone for a while. This was a process of cleansing the soul for me. I just had to see things from a much bigger perspective than my own petty emotions. But I had noticed that a lot of people were devastated from my actions. For them, Sketch Bros. was a place to truly shine in a small community. It brought change and growth to a whole new meaning even if I didn't see it myself. What I did was destroy the fantastic cruise voyage for them. I basically created a "Titanic" and sunk it myself. (Not good Q, not good)

After a good bit of soul searching, I decided it was time to take the reigns again and do something "better". This time I would not make high expectations, and I would be the leader that I was made to be. With that in mind, I created Pencil Lead Dojo. In honor of my martial arts past and in honor of the warrior within me, this was a new group. I would give them instructions again. I would give them inspiration and joy all over again. I'm just surprised at how fast this ship is sailing now. I never expected so many people to join and actually participate like this group is doing. The theme of the week has truly taken a great spin. And now, I don my pirate hat with joy as we sail the black waters of the imagination.


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