Sunday, July 20, 2014

A recurring situation.

In life, there seems to be some sort of lesson that I need to learn recently. Years ago, a good friend of mine became involved with someone that was not good for him in the least. On the spiritual tip, she was just all around bad juju and I could sense it. She manipulated him and a small circle of our mutual friends and wreaked havoc on so many lives. This went on for like 6 years before he finally "woke up" and saw the chaos around him. He finally learned what he needed to and let her go.

The funny thing is, he immediately found the perfect person for him right after that happened. I could sense how wonderful this person truly is and how his life totally changed for the better. It was something out of a fairy tale to be honest. But I understand on a spiritual stand point, that there are lessons each of us must learn. I guess my lesson in the midst of all of that is, no matter how much you may love someone, you have to let them make their own mistakes.

Now another friend of mine who had witnessed the 6 years of chaos is now in a very similar situation. One by one, his friends are leaving him because of the shenanigans his current love interest is doing. She is controlling his life to a point that she dictates everything he does in his spare time. I began to see the decay when she wouldn't even let him attend my birthday celebration. Yeah that was pretty petty on her part. She actually changed her work schedule to make sure he couldn't go.

I find that dealing with a sociopath is exhausting for the people involved and the people who are on the sidelines. I wanted so badly to help the victims of these situations, but once again I must "stand down". What I'm wondering is why do I have to keep watching bad things happen to good people? Why do I have to endure this level of chaos for people to realize that what was said in the beginning was the entirety of the truth? I guess in his own way, the Father is preparing me to better learn how to deal with them from seeing the examples. I don't know, such is life.


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