Monday, May 19, 2014

This moment in the journey

I don't really see myself as some sort of "idol". I think it's more that I just choose to be myself regardless of what oppressing society mongers think. 
I have lived the first 16 years of my life trying to please my family and keep up images that society placed upon me. It was in that 16th year that something happened to me mentally. I felt out of sync with what I was taught and decided to go with what I felt. I used my feelings to guide me towards what I truly wanted to do and who I truly wanted to be.

Your feelings will always be a ground guide to the true you. You are taught to mask them, hide them and even falsify them to protect yourself. I promised myself that I would never again not be true to my feelings. Let me tell you, it's been one hell of a roller coaster of a life. If you follow your feelings you will definitely know where to go. The only feeling you should learn to overcome is fear. You can let fear hinder you or how you truly feel or you can learn to overcome it.

In the end, I truly believe what you feel is a good guide book to knowing who you truly are. You would be surprised at how many people spend their entire life not knowing who they are at all. But I can't blame them. Look at the school system in America. You are taught from childhood to follow orders and to never question "structure". But one thing the school system with all of its systematic lies can't teach you is how to "be" you. 

- Q -

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