Wednesday, November 11, 2015

This is a post about loyalty.

Ah yes, loyalty. So many people of the world will proclaim that they want it, but so few actually demonstrate it themselves. Some people are dedicated only to their own lives, while others may only be dedicated to obligation or even religion. Loyalty has many different underlying features that make it very quickly something that is desired deeply.  It is no wonder that the demonstration of unquestioning loyalty is what a leader ultimately covets.

I myself have learned that loyalty is in essence an illusion. This isn't to say that I haven't seen it in action in some way, shape, or form. But the reason why I call loyalty and illusion is because I have seen people who have been "loyal" for many years turn on the very people they were loyal to. I have watched best friends become bitter enemies over a change in tide with loyalty. The most common change in loyalty usually comes in two forms, money or love.

For the average seeker of spiritual truth, they will learn that loyalty is not something we "search" for on the outside of our own consciousness. To look for someone to be loyal to you will only result in questioning your very own loyalty towards other people. Rather, I have learned in my travels and journey, that one should remain loyal to how they wish to actually feel. Being loyal to another person is something that takes a bit of dedication that most human beings are not willing to commit to.

In other words, it is the path of least resistance to remain loyal to yourself and your own feelings. I believe this is the reason why many are taken aback by how I act or respond to most interactions. I used to allow myself to be angry with so many minor actions. Now I am loyal to how good I wish to feel in my life. I am loyal to my own vibration and what I want to attract to myself. I am loyal to the practice of believing without evidence.

In my own opinion, before there is any loyalty, there must be established trust. This is where people get very tripped up in their relations with others. The concept of trust and loyalty is very appealing. Most especially when it involves someone that you care about. But to see the same person not demonstrate an equal amount of loyalty or trust can be very disheartening. Probably because it is the expectation that if you "do unto others like yourself", people will give you what you give. But then you end up realizing that not everyone was raised to have a moral center.

This is why I say, that loyalty is an illusion. To me, it is an illusion that is cast so as long as you are providing something the other person wants or needs. Once that want or need can be fulfilled without you, do not be surprised when the true nature of the person comes to the surface. If they treat you differently, because you are no longer acting within their best interest, then it is the person who trusts that is put in danger. Marriages are supposed to be tests of faith, trust, and loyalty. Funny that we enter an age where those same morals are easily broken over the next piece of ass.

Loyalty, life's illusion of dedicated people, who only end up being dedicated to their own selfish desires.

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